John Price Law Blog

What to Wear to Court

Note: This was featured as part of our Wednesday segment on Charleston’s 105 5 The Bridge with Box in the Morning. You can catch us every Wednesday morning at 8:50 am ET for the latest law tips and legal news. You can listen to the segment below:

Catch John Price every Wed Morning at 8:50am on The Bridge at 105 5 Catch John Price every Wed Morning at 8:50am on The Bridge at 105 5

At John Price Law Firm, our Attorneys are often asked what their client should be wearing to court. We prepare for your case in so many ways, but this is the only step that is completely in our clients hands. Being in the courtroom, whether it’s your case, or you’re a supporting family member, or a member of the jury, make sure you respect the judicial system by taking time to best represent yourself. Often times this is the judge and jury’s first impression of you, and showing them that you are respectable can only help, not hinder your case.

To put your best foot forward, we always recommend dressing as if you are going to a job interview. For men, this would include a suit and a tie or dress pants with a button down or polo shirt. For women, a pantsuit or skirt and blouse. Never wear anything torn or inappropriate. The court will be lenient on dress code if you are coming from your place of work, but make sure to take a few minutes to comb your hair and make yourself look presentable.

According to the Berkeley County website, “Whether appearing in court, or simply observing, you must come properly dressed. A coat and tie or dress are considered appropriate. Shorts, t-shirts and tank tops are not permitted in the courtrooms.”

When in doubt think conservative and keep your hair clean and simple. If you have any piercings, we recommend you to remove them and cover any tattoos. We want your case to be handled with respect, so we must offer that respect back to the judge and jury and can do so by presenting ourselves in the best manner possible.

Remember, dressing your best will show the court that you are serious about the case. Have more questions? Let the Attorney’s at John Price Law Firm help! Contact us to set up a free consultation.

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