John Price Law Blog

Motorcycle Safety Tips from Sergeant Todd Morgan

Disclaimer: By the Attorney’s Code of Conduct, we must disclose this does not insinuate any special relationship between the North Charleston City Police Department and John Price or any Attorney’s at the John Price Law Firm.

Note: This was featured as part of our Wednesday segment on Charleston’s 105 5 The Bridge with Box in the Morning. You can catch us every Wednesday morning at 8:50 am ET for the latest law tips and legal news. You can listen to the segment below:

Sergeant Todd Morgan, Head of the Motorcycle Division in the North Charleston City Police Department with over 15 years of riding experience stopped by the Bridge at 105 5 with Attorney John Price to give us some tips about Motorcycle Safety Awareness.

Sergeant Todd Morgan and Attorney John Price at The Bridge at 105 5 Sergeant Todd Morgan and Attorney John Price at The Bridge at 105 5

  1. Riders should be investing in basic rider education training before riding. He recommends checking out the Motorcycle safety course at Trident Technical or the Harley Davidson Learn to Ride Course. This gives you a basis for everything that you will do on a bike from that point on. Even Police Officers who want to ride a motorcycle for the Police Department, must go through a 2 week intensive training course. This includes a cone course, braking, learning basic maneuvers, and training on traffic stops. They also do continuing education training monthly with agents around the area.
  2. Riders can anticipate collisions by always maintaining awareness on the road. Left turning cars typically cause the most motorcycle collisions.
  3. Give yourself better braking distance. Don’t pull up to the bumper of the car in front of you and make sure to give yourself a car length as an avenue of escape, in case of a collision behind you.
  4. Only put the left foot on the ground when stopping. Keep your right foot on the brake to keep the motorcycle in place and to always be in preparation to get out of harm’s way.
  5. Even though it’s not a state law in South Carolina, riding with a helmet on helps to decrease any injuries you may receive if you do get in a collision.

If you’ve recently been in a motorcycle collision and have questions, you can get in touch with an Attorney here at John Price Law Firm at 843.552.6011 or 1-800-TNT-HELP.

Additional Resources:–learn-to-ride