Motorcycle Safety Awareness Month

Note: This was featured as part of our Wednesday segment on Charleston’s 105 5 The Bridge with Box in the Morning. You can catch us every Wednesday morning at 8:50 am ET for the latest law tips and legal news. You can listen to the segment below:
Here at the John Price Law Firm, we understand that motorcycle riders love that feeling of freedom they get when they feel the wind in their hair and the sun on their faces. We have a lot of motorcycle riders in the state, so it’s more important than ever to discuss Motorcycle Safety Awareness. Motorcycle riders and drivers alike, need to be aware of their surroundings to prevent accidents.
Unfortunately, with motorcycle accidents, the injuries are typically more severe. As Attorneys, we try to help riders overcome some prejudices that may occur when you are dealing with a motorcycle accident case. We aim to help the insurance adjuster and the jury (if the case goes to trial) understand that riding is an enjoyment of life. Some ride for fun and others ride because motorcycles may be their only mode of transportation. They are also more economical for some.
We’ve seen some motorcycle accident cases where the rider doesn’t recover 100% mentally or emotionally from the fear surrounding the accident. This causes them to no longer be comfortable riding and takes away something they enjoyed doing, we call this loss of enjoyment. We try to protect our clients against the general damage, such as, medical bills, loss of earnings, etc. What is also included in this, is loss of enjoyment.
What we recommend is for riders to take a safety course to further improve their riding skills. Trident Tech has a good motorcycle safety course for drivers. This program features classroom and course instruction. They also offer the motorcycle license waiver test to present to the DMV to obtain a motorcycle license.
If riders have questions and need to get in touch with an Attorney here at John Price Law Firm, they can give us a call at 843.552.6011 or 1-800-TNT-HELP.
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