Rear-Ended Collisions in South Carolina

If you’ve ever been rear-ended while driving, you know first-hand how emotionally jarring and physically painful it can be. Everyone’s experience is different; seconds may feel like an eternity or faster than milliseconds. When replaying the scene in your head, you may recall a host of sounds, such as tires screeching or metal being crushed. Depending on the severity of impact, you may have suffered a concussion, whiplash or worse. Today’s post on rear-ended collisions covers the statistics, prevention, reducing your risk and more.
Rear-Ended Collision Facts
The National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA) reports an estimated 1.7 million rear-end collisions in the United States each year. Of those collisions, there are an estimated 1,700 deaths and 500,000 injuries. The NHTSA found that rear-ended crashes are the most common collision type (nearly 29 percent). South Carolina drivers aren’t known for being safe; Andrew Shain for The State reports: “South Carolina might be in the heart of NASCAR country, but the Palmetto State has the nation’s second-worst drivers.”
**Preventing a Collision
**What can be done to prevent these types of collisions? Ashley Halsey III, transportation reporter for the Washington Post writes, “The NTSB estimated that 80 percent of the deaths and injuries resulting from rear-end collisions could be prevented by collision avoidance systems, which are available in some cars but not required on all of them.”
Reducing Your Risk
Although much is outside of your control regarding these types of accidents, Driver’s Alert has a few helpful pointers to reduce the likelihood of being rear-ended:
- When you are being tailgated by another driver, safely switch lanes
- If switching lanes isn’t possible, consider a short detour to let that driver move ahead
- Don’t slam on your brakes unless you absolutely must
- “Brake early and slowly” so that drivers behind you have ample time to slow down and stop
What to Do If You’ve Been Rear-Ended
Report the accident by calling the authorities and seek medical attention right away if you suspect you’ve been injured. It’s especially important to know the cognitive, physical, emotional and sleep symptoms of concussion and traumatic brain injury. The signs range from “hard-to-see to quite obvious” according to the Brain Injury Association of America. A copy of the police report, photos of both vehicles and insurance information on both parties are also essential. Rear-end car crashes often involve multiple parties, multiple insurance companies, and perhaps even uninsured drivers, all reasons to consult a car accident attorney.
We’re Here to Help
Contact our personal injury firm if you or a family member has been rear-ended in South Carolina and suffered from an injury. We offer a free consultation and 24-hour answering service. We have five convenient locations, with three South Carolina locations being fully staffed with full-time attorneys and experienced support staff, or we can meet you at your home or hospital, with evening and weekend appointments available. Call John Price Law Firm, LLC at (843) 552-6011.