If You are Hurt, You Deserve Benefits
Some people who are hurt on the job are pressured right from the start to make certain decisions. Maybe that decision is to not pursue workers’ compensation benefits. Or maybe it is to come back to work right away, even though the individual is still hurt. Whatever the case, don’t let that pressure get to you. Talk to a workers’ compensation attorney to make sure your personal needs and rights are at the top of the priority list.
You Deserve Benefits in Many Cases
Depending on the circumstances of your injury, it’s possible that you will be entitled to benefits under the law. It doesn’t matter if a co-worker or even a supervisor says you shouldn’t get benefits – the only thing that matters is an official decision after a claim has been filed. Toward that end, you’ll want to have the help of a workers compensation attorney. With experienced help, you can work through this process and pursue what you deserve.
It’s Okay to Miss Work
We live in a culture that values work above almost all else, and that can be unhealthy in some cases. You can’t pretend to be healthy when you are not – if you are injured and can’t work, that’s just how it is. That isn’t your fault, and it’s certainly nothing to be ashamed of. If there is any pressure coming your way with regard to getting back to work, stand firm in your need to protect your health.
When to call a Workers’ Compensation Attorney
Because we work on a contingency fee basis in all worker’s compensation cases, you owe us no lawyers’ fees unless we recover money for you. (Contingency fees are calculated before deducting expenses).
Count on the South Carolina workers’ compensation lawyers of John Price Law Firm, LLC to handle your claim in a professional and compassionate way. Our firm offers free consultations, plus evening and weekend appointments by request. Call us at (843) 552-6011, or send us an email.