What Happens If At-Fault Driver Doesn’t Have insurance

Everybody knows that liability car insurance is the bare minimum legal requirement if you want to operate a vehicle on the roadway. However, a lawyer will tell you that uninsured driver accident cases are some of the most common issues that they come across. It’s important for you to have an understanding of what happens next should this happen to you at some point.
Call the Police
First and foremost, you should call the police right away. No matter if the person has insurance or not, you should make sure that the police are notified so they can file a report about the incident. This is a very important document that your personal injury attorney will need later in your case.
Don’t Accept a Bribe
People who are driving without insurance probably don’t want you to notify the police. As a way to avoid that, they may just offer you money for the accident. Do not accept this! It is unlikely that the amount of money that they give you will actually cover the costs of your injuries or your car’s repairs. Make sure you have a clear understanding of the details of your accident before you go into negotiations with anybody.
Trade Contact Information
You should absolutely provide each other with contact information. It’s likely that you’ll need this when you file an insurance claim for the accident. While the other driver may not have insurance, you should obtain their name, phone number, and address.
Contact a Personal Injury Attorney
Of course, one of the most important things you should do is contact a car accident lawyer right away. We at John Price Law Firm, are more than happy to provide the legal guidance you need. Contact our offices today to schedule your free consultation (843) 552-6011!