John Price Law Blog

How Typical Defective Product Claims Play Out

Top Personal Injury Attorney Statistics

According to statistics from top personal injury attorneys, thousands of people every year are injured or killed because of dangerous or defective products. In Charleston, SC and throughout the United States, manufacturers, distributors, wholesalers and retailers may be held liable for any damages incurred by others through defective products they make, distribute or sell. However, receiving proper compensation in a timely manner often requires the help of a reliable personal injury attorney.

Gather Information

If you have been injured by a defective product, it is recommended that you seek a personal injury attorney as soon as possible. However, before you do so, you must prepare by gathering all of the pertinent information that personal injury attorneys will need. This information includes a receipt or proof of your purchase and paperwork from your doctor about your injuries and any treatment performed. You will also want to write down as many facts as you know, including all of the following:

Personal Injury Attorney

Once you have all of your facts and documentation, find an experienced attorney. Personal injury attorneys will be able to take care of the entire process for you. If you have a good case, then it may be accepted on a contingency basis, which means you won’t have to pay your lawyer out of your own pocket in advance.

The attorney will file a claim with all entities in the supply chain with a notice that you are seeking damages and that a lawsuit will be filed in court. The liable parties will have a chance to settle the case out of court, but if it goes to court, your lawyer will have to prove the following four points:

Once these four points can be proved, an amount for compensation can be negotiated between you, those liable and the court. It’s best if you have an experienced and honest personal injury attorney during these proceedings.

If a family member is injured and you are seeking compensation, contact our South Carolina product liability attorneys. We offer a free consultation and can meet the victim at one of our five locations, or we can visit your home or hospital. We want to help. Let us help.