Drowsy Driving Prevention Week

With clocks falling back one hour overnight on Nov. 1, 2020, the roads become darker during the evening commute or while running family errands. As we recently covered in our safety tips for driving at night blog, nighttime road conditions are more dangerous for many reasons, including limited depth perception, color recognition and peripheral vision. Adding a global pandemic into the equation means the number of drowsy drivers on the road may very well be higher than in the past. The National Institutes of Health National Heart, Blood and Lung Institute reports: “Many people are sleeping less or longer than they need to, which can make people feel groggy, unfocused, and even irritable throughout the day. Some are sleeping at different times or getting a lower quality sleep than before the pandemic.” As a car accident lawyer in Charleston, we’re covering the dangers of drowsy driving.
What is Drowsy Driving Prevention **Week?
**According to the National Sleep Foundation (NSF), “Drowsy Driving Prevention Week (DDPW) is a public awareness campaign designed to educate drivers about the dangers of driving while sleepy.” The week lands right after the end of daylight saving time and runs Nov. 1-8, 2020.
The Numbers on Drowsy Driving
NSF reports drowsy driving is linked to 6,400+ U.S. deaths each year. They caution the public in saying, “drowsy driving can be just as dangerous as driving under the influence.” Regarding the number of accidents linked to drowsy driving, the AAA Foundation for Traffic Safety believes the number is much higher than the 100,000 police-reported crashes (AAA estimates the number is closer to 328,000).
Additionally, the National Safety Council reports:
- Nearly half of adult drivers in the United States “admit to consistently getting behind the wheel while feeling drowsy”
- The risk of being involved in a car accident increases threefold for fatigued drivers
- Getting behind the wheel after “going more than 20 hours without sleep is the equivalent of driving with a blood-alcohol concentration of 0.08% – the U.S. legal limit”
Visit the National Sleep Foundation’s website for their tips on drowsy driving detection and prevention. Pay special attention to at-risk groups and do your part to raise awareness about the dangers of driving while drowsy. Watch their 2020 announcement video and share it with your friends and family.
We’re Here to Help
Are you searching for a car accident lawyer in Charleston? Contact our personal injury firm if you or a loved one has been the victim of a drowsy driver crash in South Carolina. We offer a free consultation and 24-hour answering service. We have five convenient locations, with three South Carolina locations being fully staffed with full-time attorneys and experienced support staff, or we can meet you at your home or hospital, with evening and weekend appointments available. Call John Price Law Firm, LLC at (843) 552-6011.
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